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Chanel CF Sling Bag First Quality, 4 Colors | Perfect Replica Bags Dubai
126.00 د.إ
Discover the elegant Chanel CF Sling Bag in 4 stunning colors, made with First Quality craftsmanship. With a size of 29*18 cm, this bag is perfect for everyday use. Be sure to check out this timeless piece from the Perfect Replica Bags Dubai collection. Get your hands on this exclusive design from Perfect Replica Bags Dubai today!
At UAE Shop, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products. We understand that despite our best efforts, factory defects or defaults may occur. To ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind, our Return and Exchange Policy for Factory Defaults covers shipping costs both ways.
To maintain the beauty of your handbag, wipe it with a soft cloth and store it in a dust bag when not in use.
- Brand: Chanel
- Box Included: With box
- Dimensions:28 x 13 x 25 cm
- Quality: High Quality
- Straps: Sling Strap
- Material: High Quality Leather
- Colors: Blue, white, etc.
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